Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah ( Eileen Ting Sin Yee 2022/2023)
Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah ( Eileen Ting Sin Yee 2022/2023) UTM

Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMK Pedu 2023
On the 22nd Sept, the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pedu in Kedah, celebrated the induction of its brightest young talents into the YKF’s Tunas Harapan Scholarship Program. Every year, the YKF awards 12 students with this scholarship.
The occasion was officiated by two representatives from YKF: Nora Merican, the granddaughter of the founders of YKF, and Puan Zakiah from the YKF Administration.

The Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Charity Gold Cup golf tournament was revived by the Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah after a lapse due to the covid pandemic. It was held at The Mines Golf Club on the 29th August. The objective of the charity golf was to raise funds for the Yayasan’s various charity programs.
The golfers were feted to a sumptuous lunch and lucky draws were held.

Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim 2022/2023 UiTM
Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim 2022/2023 UiTM
The Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah is an award given to the single best female university student who have achieved excellent academic results as well as their extracurricular activities. YKF collaborates with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) to recognize this award which was named after Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim, our co-founder. A gold medal, a cash prize of RM 3,000, and a certified scroll which is recognised by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) are among the things that the best student can garner

Ucapan Tahniah bagi keputusan cemerlang Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 2022
Pihak Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah buat para pelajar yang berjaya mendapatkan keputusan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia bagi tahun 2022. Mereka ini merupakan pelajar daripada Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Fatimah Hashim, Johor Bharu dan juga Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tan Sri Abdul Kadir, Mersing, Johor di mana merupakan penerima Biasiswa Tunas Harapan dari Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah.

Majlis Hari Raya 2023 with Pusat Jagaan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Budimas Orion
On the 12th of May 2023, The Budimas Charitable Foundation invited Yayasan Kadir Fatimah to their Hari Raya event at Dewan Besar located in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Approximately 200 children from different charities such as Pusat Jagaan Titian Kaseh, Pusat Jagaan Pertubuhan Pendidikan Anak- Anak Yatim Selangor ( Rumah Bakti Dato’ Harun) and Pusat Jagaan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Budimas Orion came to the event.

Iftar 2023 with Persatuan Rumah Kebajikan Anak-anak Yatim dan Ibu Tunggal Hajah Kamariah
On the 25th of March 2023, YKF organized a charity visit and iftar with Rumah Kebajikan Hajah Kamariah in Petaling Jaya. The home, however, isn't an orphanage where children stay with them, instead, it’s more of a “daycare” where the 40 children consisting of 18 boys and 22 girls go after their school to eat and do their homework.

Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah Hj Hashim UiTM 2021
Siti Sarah Binti Alyasa Gan merupakan penerima Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim bagi sesi akademik 2021/2022 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) di atas kecemerlangan beliau dalam bidang akademik jurusan Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan (Kepujian) Kewangan. Anak kelima dari enam orang adik-beradik ini merupakan pelajar cemerlang dari bangku sekolah lagi. Sangat aktif dalam bidang sukan dan kokurikulum dari kecil membantu beliau untuk menjadi lebih efisien dalam membahagikan masa.

Chinese New Year 2023 to HiiChiiKok Foundation
The Chinese New Year is a joyous celebration. In this regard, YKF visited the Hiichiikok Foundation, Home for Children at Jalan Ipoh, KL to bring some cheer and joy to the children of the Home. The Home currently has 34 children who are orphans or from single parent households. The Home also takes in Orang Asli children.

Donation To The Society For The Severely Mentally Handicapped
On the 7th of January 2023, YKF was invited to attend the Appreciation Day organised by the Society for The Severely Mentally Handicapped Children (SSMH). Located in SS2 Petaling Jaya, SSMH is a welfare organization with the objective of providing rehabilitation facilities to children and youths with severe mental and physical (multiple) disabilities. Additionally, they provide a daycare center and a training center for the children.

Christmas Donation 2022
Tis’ the season to be jolly! Christmas is finally here. On the 16th of December 2022, YKF visited Rumah K.I.D.S, a charity home for children located in USJ 1, Subang. The home was given a donation of RM 10,700 consisting of cash donations, a lunch that was provided, and gifts that were donated for the children. Some of the children even gave us a small show on how they exercised at their home gym! The pure joy on the children’s faces when they saw the many presents was very heartwarming.
To summarise, the visitation was smooth and wholesome. The children were happy and Yayasan Kadir Fatimah felt honored to be able to contribute blessings for the home.
We at Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our sponsors and volunteers.
#Christmas2022 #tistheseasontobejolly #love #merrychristmas #christmastime #festivemood #goodvibes

Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim Universiti Malaya Sesi akademik 2020/2021
The Anugerah Cemerlang Pingat Emas Tun Fatimah is an award given to two female university students who have achieved excellent academic results as well as their extracurricular activities. YKF collaborates with Univerisiti of Malaya to recognize this award which was named after Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim, our co-founder. A gold medal, a cash prize of RM 2,650, and a certified scroll which is recognised by Universiti of Malaya are among the reaps that the two students are presented with.

A visitation from Sekolah Kebangsaan Datin Fatimah
On the 24th of September 2022, forty teachers and committee members of the Parent-Teacher Association of the Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Datin Fatimah, Tong Pelu Kedah, made a visit to Kuala Lumpur. They were headed by the school’s headmistress, Puan Masni binti Nawi.
They first visited the grave of Tun Fatimah Haji Hashim ( the school was named after her) and recited the Yassin and tahlil prayers there. The delegation later had lunch at the residence of Dato Ali Kadir, one of the Trustees of the Foundation. Some members of Tun Fatimah’s family also attended the lunch. The visit has helped to strengthen the bond between YKF’s trustees and the school.

Deepavali Donation 2022 to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumah Anak Yatim Sri Sai Selangor
Deepavali; a celebration of light and love. A religious celebratory affair that fills many with warmth and happiness. For some however, the little spark of joy needs to be lit in order for it to become a glimmer and that’s what YKF represents.
On thé 27th of October, our organisation visited Petubuhan Kebajikan Rumah Anak Yatim Sri Sai Selangor in Klang. Thé home was given a donation of RM 5,240.00 consisting of cash donations, a lunch which was provided and duit raya that was given out to the children’s delight. Activities for the children were also arranged.
In summary, the visitation was smooth and wholesome. The children were happy and we at Yayasan Kadir Fatimah felt honoured to be one of the organisations who could put a smile to faces and bring some love and light up their deepavali.
We at Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah wishes everyone a Happy Deepavali to all our sponsors and volunteers.
Should you wish to contribute to the fund, you may contact us at yayasankaynef@gmail.com / 03-77292080 or you can transfer to below details:
Bank: AmBank
Account No.: 001-201-203637-1
#deepavali2022 #festivaloflights #festivemood #goodvibes #yayasanknf #charitymalaysia #charity

Kembara Sejarah & Kerjaya 2022 SK Changkat Jawi, Perlis
40 Children from standards 4, 5 & 6 of Sekolah Kebangsaan Changkat Jawi, Perlis were treated to a visit of historical sites at Pulau Pangkor on 13th to 15th September 2022. Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah was proud to be one of the sponsors of the visit. They visited the Pasir Salak Muzeum, the Naval base and the old Dutch Font on the island. They also managed to visit the Turtle Conservation Centre of Segari, Perak.
It is hoped that this experience and exposure will help them to better understand the history of Pangkor, and the efforts made to help in turtle conservation.
For Social Media post please visit below:
Facebook Page: Yayasan Kadir & Fatimah
Instagram: Yayasanknf
Should you wish to contribute to the fund, you may contact us at yayasankaynef@gmail.com or you can transfer to below details:
Bank: AmBank
Account No.: 001-201-203637-1
#charity #charitymalaysia #YKF #ykf #yayasanknf
#tansriabdulkadir #tunfatimahhjhashim #yayasankadirdanfatimah

Donation to Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz, UKM
Donation by YKF to Hospital Tuanku Canselor Muhriz, UKM

2022 Eid Celebrations with Rumah Anak Yatim Nur Qaseh
For this year’s Eid celebrations, YKF brought children from the Rumah Anak Yatim, Asnaf dan Mualaf Nur Qaseh out for a day of shopping for new clothes and necessities.

The Tabung Fatimah Fund
The Tabung Fatimah Fund was initiated by teachers of Sekolah Tong Pelu, Kedah during the first Covid lockdown. If you would like to learn more or donate, please contact us.

Chinese New Year 2022
This Chinese New Year, we decided to visit the Home of Love, a home for orphans, as well as abused, abandoned, and neglected children based in Klang, Selangor. The home currently houses 30 children and caters to their daily needs and education.